Voorwaarden Kortlopende Annuleringsverzekering


You have taken out short-term cancellation insurance with Beach Rentals. In these conditions you can read what you are and are not insured for.

1.1. Do you want to cancel your trip? Please contact Beach Rentals as soon as possible. Do this in any case within three working days. Are you ill or have you had an accident? Then ask the doctor if he thinks the trip can continue. Even if the departure date is still far away.
1.2 For a quick settlement, we ask you to describe the cancellation well and completely and to send all original invoices, quotations, statements or other evidence to info@beachrentals.nl, also mention your booking number.

You are insured for cancellation costs from the moment you have taken out this cover until the moment your stay ends. The end date of your stay is stated on the reservation confirmation of the stay for which you took out cancellation insurance when booking.

Insured is the full travel sum that you have paid or paid, excluding the costs for the cancellation insurance and administration costs.

You are insured for cancellation costs in the following cases: 4.1.1 You, a family member in the first or second degree or a housemate dies, becomes seriously ill or is seriously injured as a result of an accident.
4.1.2 A third-degree relative dies.
4.1.3 You or your partner discover that you are pregnant after booking the trip and this has direct consequences for your booked trip.
4.1.4 You, a co-insured, a housemate or your child living at home must undergo a medically necessary procedure.
4.1.5 You will receive an unexpected rental or new-build home within thirty days before the start of the trip. You are also insured if you have to be present during your trip at the transfer of your existing home. But only if you have no influence on the delivery or transfer date.
4.1.6 You are unexpectedly unable to receive the vaccination required for your travel destination for medical reasons. You couldn't have known this either.
4.1.7 You cannot get a visa for your travel destination abroad unexpectedly and through no fault of your own.
4.1.8 You become unemployed through no fault of your own and thereby lose a permanent contract of employment.
4.1.9 You are offered a job after a period of unemployment and your new employer does not agree with the booked trip, because you must be present on the planned travel days. This must involve a job of at least twenty hours a week and for at least six months.
4.1.10 Your long-lasting relationship or marriage is unexpectedly dissolved. By 'a sustainable relationship' we mean a relationship with a joint household.
4.1.11 You lose your travel documents on the day of departure and immediately report this to the police.
4.1.12 Your parent(s) or child(ren) unexpectedly need urgent care, which only you can provide yourself.
4.1.13 The private means of transport with which you would make the trip is canceled within thirty days before the start of the trip due to an external calamity. This vehicle cannot be replaced or repaired in time. An 'outside calamity' is, for example, a collision, storm or theft. Breakdown, mechanical failure and the like are not included.
4.1.14 You or another insured must be at home due to material damage to a property, rental home or the company where you or the co-insured work.

4.2 All these events are unforeseen, must occur unexpectedly and occur during the term of this cover.

Does your travel companion/co-insured cancel the trip for one of the reasons listed under 4? Then we also reimburse the cancellation costs. Please note, your travel companion/co-insured(s) must be known to us from the moment you take out the cover with us. You can enter the details of your travel companion/co-insured(s) in your “My Beach Rentals account ” (on the registration form ) or email to info@beachrentals.nl.

You are covered for a stay in one of the accommodations rented out by Beach Rentals.

Did you take out the insurance later than seven days after booking the trip? And do you have to cancel your trip because of an illness or condition of yourself, a family member in the first, second or third degree, observer or housemate? And did this illness or condition already occur in the three months before you took out the insurance? Then you will not be reimbursed for your cancellation costs.

8.1 Beach Rentals will reimburse the cancellation costs up to a maximum of the travel sum, including the surcharges that you have paid (in advance), excluding the costs for the cancellation insurance and administration costs.
8.2 Only you and co-insured are entitled to compensation. Do you or a co-insured die? Then the heirs are entitled to compensation. An heir must always be able to prove that he is the heir.

In the event of fraud, or if the reason for the cancellation was foreseeable at the time of applying for the insurance. Even if you do not meet your obligations, such as, for example, reporting damage in a timely manner or failing to pay the payment on time cancellation insurance.

10.1 In which cases are you insured? With this cancellation insurance you are entitled to compensation if you have to return home early during your stay. But that only applies in the following cases:
10.1.1 You, a family member in the first or second degree or a housemate dies, becomes seriously ill or is seriously injured as a result of an accident.
10.1.2 A third-degree relative dies.
10.1.3 You or your partner develop complications during pregnancy.
10.1.4 You, your partner or your child living at home must unexpectedly undergo a medically necessary procedure.
10.1.5 You have to return due to serious damage to your home or the company where you work.

10.2 Will you or a travel companion/co-insured be hospitalized for at least one night during the trip? Then you are also entitled to compensation for termination costs. Are you entitled to compensation? Then this does not apply to your entire travel group, but to a maximum of one family insured with us, or one co-insured. Will you or a co-insured die? In that case, all insured persons are entitled to this cover. Please note, your travel companion/co-insured(s) must be known to us from the moment you take out the cover, you can enter the details of your travel companion/co-insured(s) in your “My Beach Rentals account ” (on the registration fo rm) or email to info@beachrentals.nl.

Beach Rentals has the right at all times to terminate the agreement with immediate effect if, when taking out the cancellation insurance, personal data of you and/or other users is incomplete and/or incorrect. In such a case, no refund of the rent or part thereof will be made.

The agreement between you and Beach Rentals is exclusively governed by Dutch law.

13.1 All information you provide to us will be included in a file. The data file is used for our guest administration. This data can also be used to provide targeted information and offers about our products and services, both by ourselves and by third parties. In order to tailor this information and benefit offers to your interests as much as possible, we may have your data combined with data known to other companies. 13.2 At your request, we will correct, supplement, delete or shield your data, if, for example, the data is factually incorrect. This may mean that you can no longer use (part of) our services. You have the right to request us to inform you whether personal data concerning you is being processed.
13.3 If you do not wish to receive interesting information or offers, please let us know by sending a message to: Beach Rentals, Melkmarkt 7-9, 4301 HB Zierikzee, or an e-mail to info@beachrentals.nl.

Obvious printing and misprints do not bind Beach Rentals. These Terms and Conditions Short-Term Cancellation Insurance cancel all previous publications.